Essential Experience for a Director of Sales and Operations

Are you interested in a job overseeing sales and operations for a midsize company? Are you familiar with all of the responsibilities that go with the job? Here is a little background on the job and its requirements.
What does a director do?
A person directing sales and operations has the responsibility to place an effective sales and operations process. They will establish the process with the participation of all departments in the company to improve communication and decision-making to achieve its goals more effectively.
The director keeps company leadership apprised of critical issues and makes plans for improvement where needed.
The director also works with managers in the company to gather information about market conditions, potential customers, trends, competitors, and pricing. They also help to develop marketing strategies and tactics.
What else do directors do?
The director also analyzes supply and demand issues for company products and the cost/benefit tradeoffs of different approaches. Other duties include dealing with complex supply problems by working with partners outside and inside the company, including manufacturing, quality control, sales, product management, pricing, procurement, finance, customer service, and distribution.
Another key responsibility of the director is to establish and maintain a commercial supply chain dashboard to keep tabs on key performance indicators and adjust to ensure the company reaches its targets. The director also works to ensure that new products are launched successfully.
What are the job requirements?
To qualify for a director’s job, a person must have a bachelor’s degree in business or some related field, but an MBA is preferred. Companies are also looking for people with sales and operations experience, as well as experience in management. The specific amount of experience will vary, but a midsize company may be looking in the 10-year range.
The person should have strong Excel and PowerPoint skills, business intelligence reporting and planning experience, and APICS certification.
They also should have a thorough understanding of the supply chain and supply and demand dynamics. A director should also have strong analytical, problem-solving and strategic planning skills, along with the ability to innovate and think creatively. The ability to simplify complex issues and topics is another important skill that is needed.
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