New to Management? Do’s and Don’ts of Conducting Interviews

There’s a right way and a wrong way to conduct job interviews. Too many hiring managers go about it the wrong way because they don’t give it the attention it deserves. Here are some important do’s and don’ts when interviewing job candidates.


Avoid Bias:

Be Objective. Focus on the candidate’s skills and experiences rather than personal biases or preconceived notions. Include a diverse set of interviewers to minimize individual biases.

Prepare Thoroughly:

Review Resumes and Cover Letters. Understand the candidate’s background and develop your questions based on these documents. Set Clear Objectives. Define the skills, experiences, and attributes you’re seeking. Structure the Interview. Create a balance of behavioral, technical, and situational questions to thoroughly evaluate candidates.

Create a Welcoming Environment:

Be Punctual. Show respect for the candidate’s time by starting the interview on schedule. Establish Rapport. Begin with small talk to put the candidate at ease. This can help reduce nerves and lead to a more genuine conversation.

Ask Open-Ended Questions:    

Encourage Detailed Responses. Questions like “Can you describe a time when you…” allow candidates to showcase their experience and problem-solving skills. Probe for Depth. Follow up with questions like “What was the outcome?” or “How did you handle that challenge?”.


Take Notes. Document key points during the interview to reference later. Show Engagement. Nod and provide verbal cues to indicate you are listening.

Assess Cultural Fit:

Discuss Company Values. Explain your company’s culture and values and ask how the candidate’s values fit with those of the company. Ask about the candidate’s preferred work environment and team dynamics to gauge fit.

Be Transparent:

Outline the interviewing process. Explain the next steps in the hiring process and the timeline. Provide honest feedback. Offer constructive feedback when appropriate, especially if the candidate requests it.


Don’t Ask Illegal or Inappropriate Questions:

Stay Professional. Avoid questions about age, race, religion, marital status, or other personal details. Keep it relevant. Ensure all questions are job-related and relevant to the candidate’s ability to perform the job.

Don’t Overlook Soft Skills:

Evaluate communication and interpersonal skills. These can be as crucial as technical skills, depending on the role. Consider adaptability and problem-solving — these traits are often markers for long-term success.

Don’t Neglect to Follow Up:

Promptly inform candidates of their status in the hiring process. Even if the candidate is not selected, providing a courteous and respectful closure to the process leaves a positive impression of your organization.

Are you Interested in Exploring New Career Opportunities?

At G.A. Rogers, we care about our job candidates, our results, and our relationships. We take the time to get to know each one of our candidates, enabling us to make better matches with employers. We treat our people with respect, and establish long-term relationships. Give us a call today to see what we can do for you.